Want to Mini Golf?
Greater Valley Mini Open will be held at Settlers Mill Mini Golf Course, 3025 S Washburn St, Oshkosh WI 54904.
12pm-3:30pm Tee Times for Mini Golf
19th Green @ Aquire Restoration, Inc. 4-6 p.m. (Food, Drinks, Games, Music, Raffle Prizes & Awards)
Have fun and support the OASD Education Foundation. Did you know that 96% of our local educators are spending money out of their own pockets for supplies for their classrooms?
How Much?
$10 per Golfer Donation to OASD or Donated Item off the "OASD Educator Wish List"
Most Hole in One's
Best Poker Hand (info provided day of)
Best Outfit
Biggest Individual Donation to OASD Day of Event